Different from the Other Kids

A Book of Interviews for Parents of Challenging Children

My Turning Point — February 6, 2017

My Turning Point

The Different from the Other Kids team would like to welcome back Christina Tsounis, a 23-year-old living with a Bipolar diagnosis. Through her own words, Christina explains how powerful labels can be and how over-labelling can be harmful to one’s health and recovery.

By: Christina Tsounis

At six years old I was diagnosed and medicated for OCD, anxiety, depression and Tourettes syndrome. By the time I was seventeen, I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. However, in the last year, I have had a complete 180 turn in my life. I went from the “sick girl” to the “I can do anything girl”. I keep getting asked how I have been able to turn my bipolar symptoms around. As I reflect back, I realize one of the biggest things it comes down to, is what I become what I believe. Let me explain…

Limiting Beliefs

As a child, I remember always being told something was wrong with me. I was told I was sick, and that I had to take pills to be healthy. What was my mother supposed to do when I was a suicidal six-year-old? My point is that from that age I believed I was mentally ill. I used to believe my diagnosis was a curse. I used Bipolar as my identity. Everything I did reflected me being sick. All my actions reflected the fact that I was bipolar because I believed it.

I remember that I would get into emotional states and feel trapped. Everyone used to say, “Christina, you’re overreacting”. Drama queen was my nickname. I grew up believing that when I would feel emotional, it wasn’t normal to feel like that and I was overdramatic. I had no idea how to control those emotions, and then I wasn’t allowed to feel them.

Turning Point

As I got older, the belief that I was sick got stronger.  All I heard from every doctor and therapist was “Christina you are bipolar. This is going to be the rest of your life. You’re going to have to try and manage. With the right medication, you may be able to have an okay one.” What does that do to a young person’s perception? Nothing good!

About a year ago, I had a turning point. I had been working with a spiritual healer and taught me a lot about meditation and being still. I called her one day hysterically crying. I told her that I was just feeling everything too intensely. She calmly said, “So what, you’re allowed to feel like that Christina.” I stopped crying almost immediately. For the first time in my life, someone had told me I was allowed to feel. I was allowed to be hysterical. She gave me permission to feel emotions. She never saw bipolar in me – she only saw Christina. I can never thank her enough for that day. She showed me nothing was wrong with me.  It’s an illness, not an excuse and not who I am.

Having bipolar doesn’t mean your crazy. When someone has cancer, society doesn’t tell them something is wrong with them. We are all trapped in the idea that mental illness is a life sentence and that you are “loony” if you have one. I believe that just like cancer, mental illness can go into remission. I used to wake up every day bipolar – now I wake up just being Christina. I know this illness lays within me and I know its something I deal with, but it’s just a small part of me.

I also know I am in control of my destiny. The very thing I thought was going to destroy me, gave me life. My illness gave me a purpose and gave me understanding. I know when you’re in it, the feeling can be almost impossible to see out of… But I promise you, you can be healthy. Your life will reflect that back to you.

Want to know more? Check out Christina’s episodes from Different from the Other Kids: Natural Alternatives Edition… Here is Part One, Part Two and Part Three of Christina’s second set of interviews on the podcast. You can also find Christina’s bio here.

Final Interview with Grace Kohn — June 29, 2016

Final Interview with Grace Kohn

Did anyone get a chance to listen to Grace Kohn‘s new interview with Different From The Other Kids‘ own Angela Tsounis? This week we wrap up this three-part interview, focusing on how she stays positive throughout her experiences, and what we all can take away from her story. Listen on iTunes or GooglePlay!

Welcome back Rosa, #energyhealer — June 6, 2016

Welcome back Rosa, #energyhealer

This week Angela welcomes back Rosa, who you might remember from last week! Angela and Rosa talk more about how important the mind-body-spirit connection is to overall health, and how it can help everyone live a more balanced and grounded life. Listen to this week’s episode for some great information and really sound advice about the importance of being mindful and grounded. Listen on iTunes or GooglePlay!

New #podcast #episode with guest Rosa — May 30, 2016

New #podcast #episode with guest Rosa

Hello everyone! This week, Angela interviews on Rosa, owner of Rise Mind Body Fitness, on this week’s episode of Different from the Other Kids. Rosa is a physical, mental and spiritual healer. Rosa combines a combination of physical therapy and mindfulness in order to facilitate healing, personal growth and transformation.

Listen to the interview between Angela and Rosa to get a better idea of what Rosa does and how she does it. Rosa’s has a very interesting perspective on health, wellness and living, and her message can benefit anyone. Listen and let us know what you think! Listen on iTunes or GooglePlay!